Most people associate Reflexology with the feet but Hand Reflexology is effective too although it is performed differently in terms of duration of treatment, technique and pressure used. A Hand Reflexology treatment usually lasts 20 minutes and it is performed by using different techniques and a different pressure. In fact we use our hands for most of our activities and this makes them less sensitive than feet. As result of that, we may need to stay longer in a reflex point and work it deeper than in the feet in order to get a response.

Although Foot Reflexology is the most popular one, Hand Reflexology can be used in situation where is not possible to perform the treatment on the feet (in case of contagious infection, client with ticklish feet, etc.) with the same benefits of a Foot Reflexology treatment.

The extraordinary aspect of Hand Reflexology is that it can be easily practiced on themselves as a everyday selfcare to get your mind and body back on track. There are several books and videos online related to Hand Reflexology and how to practice self-treatments but make sure they come from reputable sources, that they are performed by professionals in the Reflexology industry.

Below some useful tips before starting:

  1. Make yourself comfortable before starting. You can help yourself with a pillow under your arms! Keep your shoulders relaxed!
  2. You don’t need to apply hard pressure! Reflexology is effective even with a light-medium pressure.
  3. Be careful when practising thumb-walking. You don’t need to bend it too much. Keep it gentle!
  4. I know doing it on yourself is not the same as receiving it. Ask your husband and give him something in exchange like making his favourite cake? : )
  5. Remember to deeply breathe in with the nose and to breathe out with the mouth when working on the solar plexus!
  6. Do not worry if you think you are not performing the treatment correctly. Just focus on your breath, switch off and relax!
Enjoy !!!

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