Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) – The Vodder Method is a light, skin-stretching technique that helps promote the movement of lymph through the vessels by encouraging lymphatic system to work at its optimum level. The gentle, rhythmic movement of the skin is able to open the lymphatics so that lymph will be sucked down the vessel. The result is a decongestion/drainage effect by moving the lymph from swollen to non-swollen areas and the removal of any stagnating lymphatic fluid.

The function of the lymphatic system is not only limited to the drainage of excess fluids but is also responsible in transporting fat from digestion and activating immune responses. Unlike the circulation system, the lymphatic system has no a pumping mechanism. Muscular contractions, movement of diaphragm, intestinal peristalsis allow the flow of the lymph fluid. Due to sedentary lifestyle and high fat/high salt diets the lymphatic system can become sluggish which leads to water retention, puffiness, constant tiredness, low immunity and frequent infections.

Developed by Dr. Emil and Estrid Vodder in the 1930s following many years of research into the lymphatic system, MLD is today recognised and practised all over the world to treat a variety of different conditions.

When Manual Lymphatic Drainage can help?
  • frequent colds and flu
  • allergies and Hay Fever
  • migraines
  • sinus problems
  • pre/post surgery*
  • water retention
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • puffiness around ankles, legs, puffy eyes
  • Glandular Fever and ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
  • overweight
  • digestive problems
  • skin conditions (included scars from surgery)
  • stress and anxiety
  • low energy
  • before and after a long-haul flight
  • Lymphedema/Lipoedema**
*I offer MLD post surgery only from 6 weeks onwards since your surgery. Please refer to a specialised professionals in MLD post surgery.
**MLD for Lymphedema and Lipoedema can only be performed by a Certified Lymphedema Therapist.
Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage:
  • boosts immune system
  • increases vitality
  • improves skin tissue
  • promotes the natural body’s healing processes
  • give a general sense of wellbeing and relaxation
  • reduces puffiness and water retention
  • improves digestion processes
  • promotes better function of respiratory system
  • relieves pain
  • preventive effect
  • reduces anxiety and helps cope with depression by its calming effect due to stmulation of parasymphatetic system
  • undiagnosed pain/lump
  • active cancer (when not under medical control)
  • malignant melanomas
  • severe skin infections such as cellulitis
  • acute contagious infections
  • fever/diarrhoea
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
  • major heart problems
  • first trimester of pregnancy
MLD pre- and post-surgery

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is often suggested by surgeons before and after surgery. The number and frequency of sessions depends on different factors (type of surgery, amount of swelling, any pre-existing medical conditions, etc.). If you have been recommended by your surgeon, they may also suggest how often you should receive MLD.

MLD can be offered 24-48 hours prior to surgery and after 5-7 days from surgery. You can have MLD up to 6 months after surgery as the healing processes last from 3 to 6 months.

MLD after surgery assists the recovery process, by speeding up healing and helping reduce swelling. Always consult your surgeon before booking.

I offer MLD after 6 weeks since your surgery. Please refer to a specialist specialised in Manual Lymphatic Drainage post-surgery if you are under 6 weeks. I will be able to provide you this treatment afterwards. Please note I will consider case by case and at my discretion I may need to refuse to treat and refer.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is performed without the use of the oil. The client will be asked to lie down on the massage couch keeping only the underwear and will be totally covered by towels. It is not considered precisely a massage but a light and gentle manual treatment with the aim to aid the lymphatic flow through the vessels. Although it is extremely relaxing and helps with several conditions it is not suggested if you are looking for something stronger to relieves muscular tensions. MLD acts on the skin and not on the muscles.

60 minutes Bespoke – focuses on specific area in need (upper body, legs, tummy). Recommended pre and after surgery and for focus on an area of concern.

80 minutes Full Body – includes all body parts (face at the client’s preference). Recommended for general wellbeing, boost immune defences, help detoxify, tiredness and as a de-stress treatment.

Pressure: light.

Good for: relaxation, improves sleep, relieves stress and anxiety, boosts immune defences, bloating and swelling legs, pre surgery to prevent any infections and post surgery to accelerate the healing process and decrease recovery time.

Not the best for you: if you are looking for a massage. Manual Lymphatic Drainage does not work on muscles and therefore is not a massage. Book a De-stress or Deep Tissue Massage instead.

PRICE: MLD Bespoke 45′ –  £60 | MLD Full Body 75′ – £75 in Elephant and Castle. MLD Bespoke 45′ –  £65 | MLD Full Body 75′ – £80 in Marylebone (please allow up to 10 minutes extra for your appointment)